
Thursday, 5 March 2015

Afrodita cosmetics sugar scrub

When it comes to using a body scrub, I'm not a good exaple, because I tend to forget that they exist in my drawer. You know that feeling, nobody's got time for that? Yup, totaly me in a relation to body scrubs. But lately something has changed. I know many girls were raving about Afrodita cosmetics sugar scrub and I really wanted to see what the fuss is all about. When I first opend the lid I fell in love with the smell. It's very sweet, vanilla scented luxurious product. I immediately decieded that this little fella is comming in the shower with me. On the lid it says that it contains brown sugar and shea butter. When I first put my fingers in it I could really feel the sugar crystals. You must be gentle when applying it onto your body, because otherwise it can be a little harsh. After rinsing it off you are left with smooth, soft and also hydrated skin. I have never found a scrub that good and I know I will use this one often, atleast once a week.


  1. Ooo noro, moram preizkusiti!


  2. Men je tudi tale zelo dober <3 Mogoče me malo moti ta masten film, ki ga pusti. Vonj je pa božanski :)

    1. Meni je pa super, da je malo masten, sploh pozimi, ko je koža bolj suha. Diši pa res njami <3

  3. Same dobre ocene berem o tem, ampak se nikoli ne odločim za nakup:). Sem ena tistih, ki se strinja, da ni nikoli časa za body scrub:)). Sem se komaj navadila, da si tu in tam namažem maslo na telo:).

    1. No evo, s tem izdelkom ubiješ dve muhi na en mah, ker po njegovi uporabi je koža dosti navlažena in ne rabiš masla. Sem pa tudi za maslo jaz lena :p

  4. jaz obožujem ta piling in sem ga ful šparala, ampak zdaj ko sem mela pozimi ful suho kožo na nogah zaradi britja, sem ga skoz uporabljala in ga bo kmalu konec ^^

  5. meni je to eden izmed najboljših izdelkov :) pa še vonj je tak dober, da se morem vedno zadrževat, kr bi ga pojedla hehe :) drugače pa mi ma afrodita super produkte, me še noben ni razočaral :)

  6. Sem tudi dolgo brale dobre ocene in ga končno dobila za darilo in se zdaj ne morem ločit od njega :) res je fajn :)
