
Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Beauty box: Chic things for smart girls

You all probably know how beauty boxes work? You order a box full of beauty related goodies, but you don't know what you will get. I was so happy that they were finally available in Slovenia. You can order yours at At first, all of the products were hidden, but I deicided to trust them and ordered it anyway. When they reveal the first product, I was extremely happy that I ordered it, because it was Revlon colorstay moisture stain, which have been on my wishlist since it came out. They slowly revealed each product and I couldn't wait till I get my box in the mail.

I have always been a fan of Subrina, so I was happy to get their shower gel spicy orange. I prefer sweater scents, but this one will be great for winter.

There were also three items for hair. First is Alfaparf  Milano shampoo. I have never heard of this brand, so I can't wait to try it out. We have all heard about Moroccanoil right? In the box we got a sample of  it's version for light hair. I have already tried it (even though) my hair is dark, and I really liked it. It made my hair so soft and smooth. I also like that even it's sample size, you get a lot of product. Next item is Subrina Haircode hair spray. I don't use hair sprays, so I will give it to my mom.

Next two products were the cutest in the bunch. Revlon colorstay moisture stain was the item I was the most excited for. I got the shade 020 Rio rush (I think we didn't all get the same one). Mine is very pink, a shade I wouldn't normaly go for, but that's the beauty of those boxes, to try something new and let me tell you, I actually really like this shade. We also got Bomb cosmetics Candy box soap which is just too cute. Another plus is that it's handmade and natural.

Lastly, we got a pretty box with five L'erbolario samples. I'm a sucker for nice packages and I find those very pretty. If my italian is any good I would say that those are perfume, shower gels and body lotions.

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  1. Imaš prav glede Erbolario vzorčkov. Bagnoschiuma je sicer dobesedni prevod bubble bath, ampak se uporablja tudi za gele za tuširanje. :)

    Fajn vsebina, boljša kot dashbox. :) Ampak me je prav ta preveč razočaral in me ne mikajo več tile beauty boxi. Sem ugotovila, da me ponavadi zanima samo en izdelek in je potem ceneje, če si ga kupim posebej. :)

    1. Dashbox je tudi mene razočaral, na srečo ga nisem naročila, tale mi je pa super, je še škatla tako lepa in uporabna:)
      Ni fino, očitno še nisem čisto pozabila italijanščine :)

  2. Ti si prva da sem videla da si drugo barvo šminke dobila :D Mora bit tvoja tut ful lepa :D Komaj čakam swatche :D Škatla je pa itak za umret lepa :D Hvala bogu da sem jo naročila :D

    1. A res? Katero si pa ti dobila?
      Bom naredila objavo samo o njej:)
      Tudi jaz sem presrečna, da sem jo naročila, si jo bom še kdaj če bodo še dali kakšno ven.

    2. Js sm dobila La Exclusive al neki takega :D Taka ful lepa roza barva, dejansko za vsak dan :D
      Ja js upam, da bo še kakšna :D Izdelkov imajo še ogromno, ki bi jih bile punce vesele :D
